Our Mission
We, the members of St. Andrew Parish family, with our varied individual talents and gifts, affirm that we all share a common mission to live the Gospel of Jesus on a daily basis. As a Catholic community of faith and fellowship, we pray for guidance and grace to love God with our whole heart and soul, mind and strength, and to love one another as Jesus commands us. As a parish family, we commit ourselves to the greater glorification of God, and our own growth as concerned moral Christians through increased emphasis on spreading the Gospel and inviting new members to share in the life of our parish.
Holy Orders
Anointing of the Sick
To request or schedule one of the sacraments, contact the Parish Life Coordinator.
St. Andrew Parish was formed in July of 1976 when the first Sunday masses were held in the Blue Grass Community Hall. In July 1977 ground was broken for the Parish Center where masses continued after it's completion. On August 14, 1990, ground breaking ceremonies were held to begin construction of the new church. On March 30, 1991, the first Easter Vigil was celebrated in the new church.
Mass Schedule
Sundays 10:30 am
Holy Days 7:00 pm
Traveling? CLICK HERE to find Mass times wherever you find yourself.
Office Manager, Jill Halligan
Parish Office (563) 381-1363
E-Mail: BlueGrassStAndrew@diodav.org
Deacon Matt Levy, Parish Life Coordinator,
(563) 381-1363 Cell: 309-428-1530
Email: levym@diodav.org
Rev. Robert "Bud" Grant, Sacramental Minister,
Very Rev. Thom Hennen, Priest Moderator (563) 324-3257
Religious Education: Phyllis Avesing, (563) 381-1363 ~
CLICK HERE for Religious Education Registration
OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA):
Contact Deacon Matt Levy for more information.

Diocese of Davenport web site: http://www.davenportdiocese.org
Daily Readings and Reflections: http://www.usccb.org/
Catholics Come Home Web site: http://www.CatholicsComeHome.org