Young Adult Faith Resources
Faith ~ Growth ~ Community ~ Connection
Helping you grow closer to Christ! We’re glad you’re here!
Young Adults are hard-wired for connection, connection to one another and connection to Jesus, and we want to help you get connected to those people and resources that can help you grow in your faith. Take a look around – there are lots of resources and opportunities for growth!
Upcoming Events:
Theology on Tap – A monthly gathering that brings young adults together in a relaxed atmosphere. We meet the 2nd Thursday, March-November, at 7:00 at Jersey Grille - 5255 Jersey Ridge Rd in Davenport. You can meet us in the 'Upper Room' for a great night of fellowship and learn something about your faith! Email qctheologyontap@gmail.com for more info
Catholic Worker House – Every third Tuesday of the month at 5:00, all young adults are invited to go down to the Catholic Worker House that Dorothy Day founded, to cook and share a meal in solidarity with the poor that are guests at the Catholic Worker House. Contact Luke Ebener at davstpaulym@diodav.org for more info!
Restless Hearts Young Adult Group – Missing community after Covid? Young Adults from Our Lady of Victory and neighboring parishes still meet once a week on Friday evenings from 7pm-9pm at McEleny Hall at St. Paul the Apostle Church. We’re here to learn and build a community of discipleship together. Contact Luke Ebener at davstpaulym@diodav.org for more info!
Quad Cities Young Adult Holy Hour – Holy Silence, Praise & Worship, and Reflection. Join us for a Young Adult Holy Hour on the 3rd Saturday of every month from 5:30-6:30pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral Adoration Chapel. Contact Carol at (563) 324-3257 for more info.
St. Pius X Young Women’s Group – Are you looking for a community of young adults to help you grow in your Catholic faith? Our young women’s group meets each Tuesday at 7pm in Farrell Hall. We are currently doing a book study on “Interior Castles”, but also take breaks in between reading for game nights, rosary walks, craft nights, etc. Please contact Jordan at jordanemerick.94@gmail.com or Emily at eedaley95@aol.com with questions.
Christ our Life – World-class speakers present topics of critical importance to all. Join thousands as we celebrate Mass, enjoy time with Jesus in Adoration, avail ourselves to Reconciliation and fill our spirits with music and prayer! Go to https://christourlifeiowa.com/ for more information.
Christian Experience Weekend – Want to grow to enjoy the fullness of life and build a Christian community? CEW is not your typical silent retreat, but rather a shared Christian experience! Join us for a weekend of talks, discussions, prayer services, Mass and also time for reflection, good food and fun! We all need companions for the journey and this is an opportunity to build relationships with other people who are learning and growing in their relationship with Christ.
Our Lady of Lourdes CEW: Women’s Retreat – January 2023, Men’s Retreat – February 2023.
Our Lady of Victory CEW: Women’s Retreat – February 2023, Men’s Retreat – February 2023
St. Paul the Apostle CEW: Women’s Retreat – February 2023, Men’s Retreat – March 2023
Local Young Adult Facebook Groups: The latest updates on Young Adult events in the QC!
Quad Cities Young Adults Facebook Group – We invite all Young Adults in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas of every background into a community of Catholic disciples, to discover our identity in Jesus and our Mission in His Church and the world.
QC Emerging Adults Facebook Group – A community of Catholic disciples that encourages the leap into discipleship for those who are seeking, deepening the faith of those who are disciples and empowering disciples to become active evangelizers in their communities. Join our Facebook group to get the latest updates on what’s going on in the Quad Cities for Young Adults.
QCYAN (QC Young Adults Catholic Network) – We facilitate the sharing of information for Young Adult Catholic activities going on in the Quad City area. Like this page to keep up to date with fun things going on in the area!
Becoming Catholic/O.C.I.A.. – Every fall St. Andrew offers the opportunity to come together in a small group setting to learn more about the Catholic Faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church. Come join us with your questions, insights and faith story in a warm and accepting environment. Sessions start the last week in September 2022. Contact Kelly Wernke at (563) 340-4838 or kflenker@gmail.com with questions.
Called & Gifted – God is calling you to a unique purpose in life – a work of love that only you can do! Discern your charisms (spiritual gifts) and begin to discern God’s call. You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Come and discover these charisms in you! Called & Gifted is a collaboration between Our Lady of Lourdes and St. John Vianney and is designed to help Christians discover their spiritual gifts. Offered every fall – click here for more information.
Websites for Young Adult Catholics:
Busted Halo – Looking for a website full of relevant articles, podcasts and videos all done by young adults for young adults? Check you Busted Halo!
Dynamic Catholic.org – Sign up for their Best Advent/Best Lent Ever emails for daily reflections straight to your inbox.
Apps: 83% of millennials sleep with their cell phones. So what apps are out there that we can use to strengthen our faith?
Catholicapps.com - Where you'll find reviews, suggestions, ideas, everything you need to use your cell phone as a tool for prayer and evangelization! Some favorites are:
Pray As You Go
Relevant Radio App
Podcasts & YouTube Channels:
Pints with Aquinas YouTube Channel – Long-form discussions, debates and teachings on the Catholic Faith.
Ascension Presents YouTube Channel - Seeking to present the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith through media, and to answer the longings of the human heart with the transformative power of the Gospel.
Television & Radio:
Relevant Radio – Quad Cities Catholic Radio
Channel 103.1 FM KTJT (Davenport)
Channel 95.3 FM K237FP (Davenport/Quad Cities)
EWTN – Eternal Word Television Network
Channel 94 – Mediacom
Channel 842 – Mediacom Español
Channel 370 – Direct TV
Channel 261 – Dish Network
Need Help?
Pregnancy: Women’s Choice Center – Free pregnancy information, testing and resources.
Addiction: Alcoholics Anonymous – Have a problem with alcohol? There’s a solution. A.A. is a simple solution that works. It’s based on one alcoholic helping another.
Friends or Family of Addicts: Al-anon - You can see how their drinking is affecting them, but can you see how it’s affecting you?
Suicide and Crisis Hotlines: http://www.iowahealthieststate.com/resources/individuals/makeitok/resources/
or call Your Life Iowa:
Call: (855) 581-8111
Text: (855) 895-8398
Chat: YourLifeIowa.org